Talk On Supply


I feel that, while you are not after money in the ordi­nary sense of the word, there is every reason to know that you are entitled to adequate provision. Everything that is involved in that which people call supply, maintenance, etc., is a thing of thought. What we need to do, is to reach out toward unlimited thought, in this respect. Humanly, it would be natural for you to think that, while you are in the practice of Christian Science, your supply should come through your practice; but just see what a limited thought is that! Inasmuch as supply belongs to infinity, and is really a manifestation of infinity, how woefully scant is the thought that ignores infinity and limits supply to one narrow channel.

On the other hand, think thus: Supply is omnipresent and unlimited, and is always where you are and what you want. It is liable to show itself to you through millions of channels. Therefore, open up all of the channels and let it come in. Keep yourself in a state of non-surprise. Gain a mental attitude in which nothing in the way of supply will surprise you, not even if you found pieces of silver in the mouth of a fish. You are not the victim of any circum­stance; you are the child of God. You have an infinite income, commensurate with the grandeur of your thought expressing the infinity of being. No sense of man or woman, or any belief of occasion, event, or inexplicable fatality, or any other belief, can hold out against your treatment, which is the very presence and power of the only God there is.

Infinity is wholly accomplished. Life is established, and all law and power are established. Reality, or the divine Mind, includes nothing but perfection. All the pos­sibilities of being are yours now; there will never be any more. You need not wait for deliverance; today it is yours. You may as well express dominion now as to wait. Declare everything good for yourself. Expect everything good now.

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