A Prayer

From Collectanea by

No good thoughts are ever lost; all good is eternal and ever present. We do know the Science of being, and nothing can disqualify us for demonstrating it. When we turn for power from matter to Spirit, we can move mountains, surmount obstacles, achieve every success, and overcome fear and sin. The claiming of our rightful heritage as God’s children is the true mental culture and spiritual education. In the reality of being is all we want or need, or can possibly have or wish for. It includes more than we can discern in the measure of happiness and the completion of every wish or prayer that is wholesome or right for us to have. I must know that the definition of man in Science and Health applies to me. I am that spiritual man, I am God’s image and likeness, reflecting a full, perfect image of Life, Mind, action, etc., not under material laws or limitations. God’s law is life-giving and life-sustaining eternally. Doing good and thinking good sustains life. Love is the very nearest thing to us all the time. It is the nature of God to bless and care for us all the time. We can always bring God to us instantly by declaring He is with us. We never reach out for Him in vain. God has ordained for us all good, and He will remove our sins from us as far as the east is from the west, when we want to give them up. Hold steadfastly the thought of yourself as good only, as spiritual only. The belief that there is two of me is where all the trouble comes from. Every treatment must include the understanding that it is the Mind of God; it cannot return void, and it cannot be reversed by any so-called law of malpractice or human belief. Error says we are sick or discouraged; we don’t say it. It is error talking about itself. If we admit it, we have accepted a lie.

Truth says, I have perfect eyes, perfect heart, perfect limbs, etc.; all there is to me is like God, like perfection. We should discard mortal mind judgment and pray for the Christ Mind. It is our human will or judgment that argues we can’t do so and so. There is no reason why we may not always demonstrate truth, and be well and happy.

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