Be Not Afraid


At one time Jesus instructed his disciples to take a boat and go to Bethsaida. In the evening, when the boat was in the middle of the sea, the wind was against them, and the disciples were struggling with the oars. Toward morning Jesus went to them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea, they were troubled because they supposed it was a phantasm. But immediately Jesus uttered words of quieting reassurance, which have come down through the centuries to comfort and sustain mankind, “Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.”

To someone suffering from sickness, or struggling to overcome sin, or weary with sorrow, Christian Science gives the same tender, loving assurance of freedom from fear. To the sufferer, fearful because of a diagnosis of incurable or fatal disease, Christian Science brings the ability and courage to persevere, and expect complete recovery. It tells the terrified and anxious, to look away from the dark and dismal aspects of sickness, and behold the perfect man of God’s creating.

The Christian Scientist’s approach to the cure of disease declares that the universe, including man, is created by God. In this perfect and complete creation nothing can enter that is unlike God, good. No matter how severe the sickness and pain are, neither anxiety nor fear can cause us to doubt the sure healing effects of Truth. Mrs. Eddy states, “Christian scientific practice begins with Christ’s keynote of harmony, ‘Be not afraid!’” (S&H)

Christian Science gives us the courage to overcome everything unlike good, and to demonstrate God’s all power. Through enlightened faith, based on the spiritual understanding, that God is working out His divine purpose in our lives, we can rest assured that only good can come, and find the healing and peace that come to those who put their trust in God.

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