Conversing in Heaven


The mesmerism of the material world is not a permanent affair. Man’s status of perfection has not departed. It has not even faded. If unseen or forgotten in this wilderness of mortal ignorance, it is nevertheless at hand. It is not a condition so much to be struggled for as it is to be called to remembrance. Life with all its glories is here to be recognized. It is yours this day, yours to be enjoyed.

It makes no difference how busy you are, you are choosing, you are making decisions, you are talking with yourself. If you are not cautious, you will be picturing age, fashioning ill health, deploring the inefficiency of government. When you select this line of conversation, you add to the mesmerism which is already weighing you down. You make the wrong choice.

With a little more discernment and resolution, you can make the right choice. You can order your conversation along healthful and wholesome lines. All day long you can talk with yourself of the vigor, the buoyancy, the resistlessness, the eternality, the glory of Life, keeping in thought all the time that it is your life you are talking about.

In this way you put vital truths to work in your own premises instead of idly contemplating them in the abstract. In this mood you are not far from invoking the injunction to pray without ceasing.

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